IDEAS to irritate your thinking......

This blog provides a platform for ideas and discussions on critical issues of our time.

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Supporting social change and conflict reduction through trauma healing and community problem-solving

By Clay Showalter | September 24, 2020

HDPI supports Wozo Haiti a locally developed, national organization which aims to generate positive social change and conflict reduction through trauma healing and community empowerment.

Engaging faith leaders to promote human rights

By Clay Showalter | September 24, 2020

HDPI consultants provided training for faith leaders on basic tenents of international humanitarian law, human rights and child rights, youth leadership, conflict prevention, and reconciliation in conflict-affected communities in Eastern DRC and Burundi.

Evaluating post-earthquake programming

By Clay Showalter | September 24, 2020

HDPI organized and conducted an evaluation of a post-earthquake trauma-healing and resilience program in Haiti.

Emergency assessments for refugee and displaced children

By Clay Showalter | September 24, 2020

HDPI members helped facilitate an inter-agency mission to Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey to assess the situation of at-risk refugee and displaced children. Also consulted on emergency preparedness and response actions to the large-scale influx of unaccompanied children into the US.

Capacity building for children’s rights in transitional justice processes in Sri Lanka

By Clay Showalter | September 24, 2020

HDPi consultants are providing intensive capacity-building for local civil organizations in children’s rights and inclusion framework in truth-seeking and reconciliation processes following the decades-long armed conflict in Sri Lanka.

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