
New Forms of International Cooperation

with Nils Kastberg


DATE: TBA // LENGTH: ?? // FORMAT: online webinar // LANGUAGES: English, Español // PRICE: Free, Professional Certificate $45

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New Forms of International Cooperation

Course Introduction

The United Nations was created to forge and promote peace and security between individuals and nations. In twelve academic hours divided into three segments of four hours each, we will explore to what extent international cooperation, NGO work and Foundations, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals agreed upon at the United Nations, really contribute to promote those high goals. What new elements in international cooperation could improve the progress towards peace and security, with a particular emphasis on what the students of the Masters Program could contribute to these topics.


Course Objectives

Provide the Masters students with a framework for analyzing with a critical eye present forms of international cooperation. Provide them with a broad view of the existing architecture of international cooperation, with a view to offer students possible avenues and perspectives on their own future potential professional career and involvement in the promotion of peace and security, human rights, protection of civilian population in crisis situations, opportunities for their sustainable development.


A quick overview of the present structure for the International Cooperation course

-       The UN Political structure

-       The UN Specialized organizations

-       The UN Cooperation Agencies (Funds and Programs)

-       Governmental Aid Agencies

-       The Red Cross Movement

-       NGOs, foundations, civil society organizations



Architecture of, and methods of international cooperation: Where do we stand today?


Content of international cooperation and new frontiers; challenges to the progress of international development

Establishing a better floor of rights, closer to the beneficiary

Tackling the challenges to development


Promoting peace

Existing“architecture” – structure and mechanisms – for peace and peace promotion


Meet your Professor: Nils Kastberg

This course is led by Nils Kastberg, with over forty years of involvement in United Nations, the Swedish International Development Cooperation and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.

Mr. Kastberg has worked 21 years for UNHCR and Unicef in four continents, and has served in the Executive Boards of UNHCR, WFP, WHO, UNAIDS, ILO, FAO, among other UN entities. Since his early retirement from Unicef in 2012, he serves in the Board of Special Olympics International and other foundations involved in international cooperation.

In this course, Mr. Kastberg provides an overview of the architecture of international cooperation, including the UN, the Red Cross Movement, NGOs, as well as the distinctions between multilateral, bilateral and south-south cooperation. The historic development of humanitarian cooperation, development planning, human rights and peace promotion is covered, as well as post-conflict justice and peace issues, drawing on his extensive career with examples from personal experience. It helps the students who would like to work internationally, to identify what they could contribute to in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as issues not covered by the SDGs, and paths to engaging in international cooperation.

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