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hdpi Forum

A forum series with global thought leaders to stimulate thinking and action.


"Reflections on Famine Analysis and the IPC Famine Review Committee"


Prof Daniel Maxwell

Henry J. Leir Professor in Food Security

Friedman School of Nutrition, and Research Director

Tufts University

"Humanity's impact on Earth's biomass"

Prof Ron Milo

Dean of Education,

Weizmzann Institute

"Reflections on Global Humanitarian Issues"
Martin Griffiths
- former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
Questions for the
Humanitarian Endeavor
Antonio Donini
Visiting Fellow, Feinstein International Center Tufts University, and Research Associate, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva.
The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the inability of the International community to impose respect for international humanitarian law; “even wars have rules”
Antonio Brusa
Director of Human Resources, UNRWA

Africa in the Era of Global Crisis

Dr Gorden Moyo

The Investment Case for Primary Health care

Peter Otieno

Digital Health Consultant

Climate Change - How will our relief systems adapt?
Craig Fugate
Former Administrator, US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


Humanitarian Ethics
for a New Era of Climate Emergency

Hugo Slim
Senior Research Fellow
University of Oxford

cathalyn c

Ending Sexual Violence Against Children in a Generation: What will It Take?

Dr. Kathleen Cravero
Strategic Advisor; Distinguished Lecturer, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.

Global Helpline

Review of data on sexual exploitation of children

Thomas Mueller

The Sanguine Mirage-The False Comfort of the Humanitarian Imperative

A study of the application of humanitarian principles

Martin Barber and Mark Bowden

Chatham House

Operationalizing "localization" and "protection"

Mark Linning

Senior Protection Advisor

Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)

Poly-crises and the impact on children; developing a research agenda

Bo Victor Nylund

Compassion unleashed-witness to the metamorphosis of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

James Brasher

Travels with former president Jimmy Carter

James Brasher

Title: Navigating new layers of uncertainty

Director of the Human Development Report Office,  UNDP.

Pedro Conceição

Climate Change: threats - response

Matthew Brubacher

Reflections on Critical Issues in the Middle East

Adele Khodr

Regional Director

UNICEF, Middle East and North Africa

Hunger and Child Poverty

Yolande Wright

Mental health and wellbeing: need for a paradigm shift

Dr. Moitreyee Sinhatitle

Executive Director and co-founder of citiesRISE

Identity and Statelessness

DR Victor Karunan

"Disruption in support for the UN in a polarized world?"

Megan Gilgan

Deputy Director of the Public Partnerships Division


Practical applications of the 8KQ - an ethical framework for decision making

William Hawk, Peter Mulrean, Fred Spielberg

Dr. Natalia Linos

Executive Director/Acting Director FXB Center for Health and Human Rights
Harvard University

Planning from the future for the future: organizational perspectives

Dr Randolph Kent

Visiting professor at King's College

Reorienting Humanitarian Assistance: refugee self reliance

Dale Buscher

Vice President for Programs, Women’s Refugee Commission

Behavior, and the Concept of Choice

Dr. Amaya Gillespie


The Need for More Courageous Advocacy for Human Rights

Yoriko Yasukawa


Emergency Services (EMOPS)

Lana Weikat

Deputy Director UNICEF

Casualty recording in conflict - achievements, prospects, and pitfalls

Hamit Dardagan

John Sloboda

Iraq Body Count, Every Casualty Worldwide

Jianluca Buono

Chief of Field Operations and Emergencies


Reflections on Global Goals and the SDGs; Considerations for the Next Step

Dr. Jan Vandemoortele,

Independent Researcher and Consultant

co-architect of the MDG’s; with ongoing work on the SDGs


Michele Klein Solomon

Food Security and Nutrition

DR Bruce Curry

Pioneering Researcher

The Evolution of NGO's

Mark Bowden


Holly Carter

Founder and Executive Director

President and CEO, Cure Violence Global

Dr. Gary Slutkin, MD.

Philip Goldman

Founder and President of

Maestral International

Dr. Catherine Bertini

Mental well-being across countries, and implications

Tara Thiagarajan, Ph.D

Neuroscientist, Founder and Chief Scientist of Sapien Labs

Regional President & Managing Director,

David Evangelista

Europe Eurasia, Special Olympics

Misinformation - Fake News

Philip Howard


Rule of law and democracy

Cecile Aptel, OHCHR

Thoughts on the dynamics of peacebuilding

John Paul Lederach

Challenging inhumanity in  turbulent times

Norah Niland and Antonio Donini

Robert Jenkins, Education and Associate Director,

Programme Division, UNICEF HQ


Program Development and Resource Mobalization: Lessons learned

Jim Brasher

Current threats to children

Cornelius Williams, UNICEF


More Responsive Humanitarian Action

Nick Van Praag

Founder and Director of Ground Truth

"A different approach, lessons from a multi-hazard early warning program"
(RIMES, Bangkok)
A.R. Subbiah

Complexity Theory: Adressing Complex Humanitarian Problems

Prof Eve Mitleton-Kelly

Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding

DR Elena Butti

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Impact and trauma of migration

Saulo Padilla

Responding to violence in Honduras

Mark Connoly, UNICEF Representative Honduras

Improving the lives and livelihoods of youth

Rob Burnet, Chief Executive, Shujaaz, INC.

Multilateralism: take nothing for granted but don't give up

Amb. Peter Mulrean

Julie Rosicky, Executive Director of International Social Service

Human rights at a crossroad

audio file

Iain Levine


  • Prof. Eve Mitleton-Kelly Complexity Theory: Addressing Complex Humanitarian Problems
  • Philip Howard,  Mis-Information, Fake News
  • DR Elena Butti, Postdoctoral fellow, Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
  • Julie Rosicky, Executive Director of International Social Service (ISS) USA Observations and lessons in helping to reunite children with families in Central America
  • Norah Niland and Antonio Donini, Challenging Inhumanity in turbulent Times
  • John Paul Lederach, Thoughts on the Dynamics of Peacebuilding
  • Robert Jenkins, Chief Education and Associate Director, Programme Division, UNICEF HQ
  • Iain Levine, Human Rights at a Crossroad
  • Jim Brasher, Program Development and Resource Mobilization, Lessons Learned
  • Angela Raven-Roberts
  • Cornelius Williams, UNICEF
  • Edouard Belloncle, Disinformation, Response and Reflections: a Libyan Case Study
  • Richard Morgan, Plan International
  • Dennis McNamara, Humanitarian Dialogue Center
  • Robin Biellick, vaccine specialist
  • Stephen Allen, OFDA/USAID
  • Carl Stauffer, Center for Justice and Peace, EMU
  • Lori Hieber Girardet, UNDRR
  • Hani Mansourian, Alliance for Child Protection
  • Peter Morris, formerly with OFDA
  • Rt Hon Lord Mark Malloch-Brown KCMG
  • Hugo Slim – Oxford University
  • Peter McDermott & Justin Rogers – Martin James Foundation
  • Molly Bingham – Orb Media
  • Carlo Scaramella - WFP
  • Luis Mendez, Stratman Consultants
  • Brigette De Lay – Oak Foundation
  • Jagan Chapagain – IFRC
  • Karen Landgren – Security Council Report
  • David Nabarro – WHO/4SD
  • Tom McDermott – xUNICEFers
  • Krishna Belrose - HDPI
  • Everett Ressler – HDPI
  • Fred Spielberg – UNICEF Colombia
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