Ulemavu, watu wanaoishi na matatizo ya akili na syndromes, na haki zao za binadamu
Special Abilities, Persons Living with Mental Conditions and Syndromes, and their Human Rights
with Nils Kastberg - instructor EnglIsh / Kajungu Mturi & Mandela Nelson - translators
TAREHE: //UTARATIBU: Mihadhra 4 ya kibinafsi// LUGHA: Kiingereza, Kiswahili// Gharama: Cheti cha utaalam (hiari)
DATE: TBD // LENGTH: TBD// FORMAT: 4 self paced lectures // LANGUAGES: English, Swahili // PRICE: TBD
Professional Certificate (optional)
Jisajili chini ya ukurasa huu kwenye Kozi ya Januari 2021
Register at bottom of this page for January 2021 course
Ulemavu, watu wanaoishi na matatizo ya akili na syndromes, na haki zao za binadamu
Special Abilities, Persons Living with Mental Conditions and Syndromes, and their Human Rights.
Kozi hii inaongeza uelewa na kutoa mafunzo kwa vitendo ya kusimamia vema haki za msingi za watu wenye ulemavu, haswa, wale wanaoishi na matatizo ya akili na mrundikano wa magonjwa. Kozi, ikizingatia na mazoezi kwa vitendo, itakuwa na manufaa kwa mtaalamu yeyote ambaye katika kazi zake atakutana na watu wenye shida ya akili na wenye mrundikano wa magonjwa
This course increases understanding and provides practical tools to better uphold basic rights of persons with disabilities, more specifically, those living with mental conditions and syndromes. The course, with its hands on, practical focus, will be useful for any professional who in the course of her or his work will encounter persons with mental conditions and syndromes.
- Kipindi cha 1: Utangulizi wa ulemavu wa mwili, Ulemavu wa hisia, na hali ya akili na mrundikano wa magonjwa.
- Kipindi cha 2: Sifa za mtu anaeishi na hali ya akili na wenye mrundikano wa magonjwa kwa kuangazia kwenye ugonjwa wa maendeleo ya akili “autism.”
- Kipindi cha 3: Uendelezaji wa ujuzi wa jinsi ya kushirikisha mtu mwenye uwezo maalumu
- Kipindi cha 4: Vyombo vya kimataifa vya Haki ya Binadamu
- Session 1: Introduction to physical disabilities, sensorial disabilities, mental conditions and syndromes.
- Session 2: Characteristics of persons living with mental conditions and syndromes focus on Autism
- Session 3: Skills development in how to engage persons with special abilities
- Session 4: International human rights instruments

Kutana na Mwalimu wako: Nils Kastberg
Meet your Professor: Nils Kastberg
Mafunzo ya kozi hii yanaongozwa na Nils A Kastberg, mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa La Ventana de Los Cielos, na mjumbe wa bodi ya olimpiki maalumu ya Kimataifa, shirika kubwa duniani la watu wanaoishi na hali ya matatizo ya akili na mkusanyiko wa magonjwa. Anatoa mafunzo kwa wanafunzi kutoka kwenye chuo chetu huko Florida ya Kusini kama sehemu ya kazi yake ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa La Ventana de los Cielos, na ni mwazilishi na amechangia kuanzishwa kwa mpango wa Olimpiki maalumu katika kambi ya wakimbizi Tanzania, Kenya na Pakistan. Bwana Kastaberg anafundisha sehemu ya Shahada ya mahusiano ya Kimataifa katika kitengo cha sheria Chuo cha Barcelona.
This training course is led by Nils A Kastberg, Executive Director of La Ventana de los Cielos, and Board Member of the Special Olympics International, the world’s largest organization of persons living with mental conditions and syndromes. He provides training to students from four universities in South Florida as part of his work as Executive Director of La Ventana de los Cielos, and has initiated and contributed to the start of Special Olympics programs in refugee camps in Tanzania, Kenya and Pakistan. Mr. Kastberg teaches each year a segment of the Masters in Internationnal Relations of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona.
Amekuwa ameshikilia shughuli muhimu katika wizara ya mambo ya nje ya Sweden kwenye mamlaka ya maendeleo ya Kimataifa ya watu wa Sweden. Amefanya kazi na UNHCR katika mabara manne, na amefanya kazi na UNICEF kama Mkurugenzi wa mambo ya Dharura, Mkurugenzi wa Kanda ya Marekani ya Kusini na Caribbean, kama mwakilishi nchini Sudan hadi karibia kustaafu kwake toka UNICEF mwaka 2012
He has held key functions in the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Authority. He served with UNHCR in four continents, and with UNICEF served as Director of Emergencies, as Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, and as Representative in Sudan until his early retirement from UNICEF in 2012.
Nukuu ya Mshiriki
“Nataka kumshukuru Ndugu Nils kwa sababu aliongea kwa Shauku kubwa hadi kupelekea mimi kutambua ni kwa jinsi gani nina penda kazi ya utabibu na kwa jinsi gani naweza kusaidia. ilikuwa ni uzoefu wa kushangaza!” -Deisi Perez, RMA, CPT
Participant Quote
“I wanted to thank Mr. Nils because he spoke with such a passion that it made me realize how much I love the medical field and how much I can help. It was an amazing experience!” -Deisi Perez, RMA, CPT
GAME CHANGERS - "Tale of the Messenger"
Winner of the Edward R Murrow Award - 2020
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