Sara Guerreiro
Specializes in human rights and governance
Sara Guerreiro is a legal consultant in the areas of human rights and good governance and a certified coach. She combines 22 years of legal technical knowledge and experience with coaching and conflict mediation skills. Sara has worked and lived in 4 countries and she is fluent in 4 languages. She started her career as a legal navy officer, where she deepened her knowledge on leadership, international law and time management.
Sara has a Master of Science in Law and has worked as a legal consultant & trainer as well as a certified conflict mediator in the space of international development for the last 12 years.
Specifically, she has worked in the areas of human rights, conflict mediation and good governance with several United Nations Agencies in West Africa (Guinea-Bissau) and Southeast Asia (Timor-Leste). These UN agencies include United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR); UN Women and UNICEF. She has also been a consultant with the World Bank Group on Gender-based Violence.
For the last 5 years Sara has provided coaching training and mentoring with CoachDiversity Institute in the USA. She has coached international professionals around the world, helping them to manage their challenges while in assignment as well as strengthen their inclusive leadership and cross-cultural skills.
Sara’s combined legal & coaching skills allow her to design and implement human rights training programs beyond a traditional legal method and aiming for a more transformational approach.
Select Publications:
Guerreiro, Sara; Pires, Hélder. 2019. Legal Training Manual for Professionals on the Law against Female Genital Mutilation or Cut in Guinea-Bissau (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
SARA GUERREIRO, Justiça Tradicional e Justiça estatal na Guiné-Bissau (Traditional justice and State Justice in Guinea-Bissau), Revista Sintidus, número 1, 2018
SARA GUERREIRO, Reconciliação e Justiça de Transição na Guiné-Bissau (Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Guinea-Bissau), Mundo Crítico – Revista de desenvolvimento e cooperação (Critical World – Journal for Development and Cooperation), ACEP – Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos (ACEP – Association for Cooperation among Peoples), CEsA – Centro de Estudos sobre África, Ásia e América Latina do ISEG/ULisboa (CEsA – Center for Studies on Africa, Asia and Latin America), 2017
SARA GUERREIRO (coordinator); Lincoln, Abraham; N’dami, Braima; Silva, Cleunismar; Semedo, Felizberto; Pires, Hélder; Graça, Ana (technical review), Study on Access to Justice in Guinea Bissau: Cacheu, Oio and Bissau, UNDP/Ministry of Justice, Guinea-Bissau, April 2011
SARA GUERREIRO, As Fronteiras da Tolerância – Liberdade Religiosa e Proselitismo na Convenção Europeia dos Direitos do Homem (The Frontiers of Tolerance – Religious Freedom and Proselytism in the European Convention of Human Rights), preface by Adriano Moreira, Almedina, 2005 (307 pages)