Krishna Belbase
Specializes in results based monitoring and evaluation. Also, food and nutrition, security, and social protection.
Krishna Belbase brings to HDPI a rich combination of programme management and evaluation experience involving both development and humanitarian fields. From 2008 to 2017, he served as senior evaluation officer in UNICEF New York where he had a lead role in conceptualizing and managing a dozen corporate evaluations and inter-agency evaluations. Most ambitious among these was the evaluation of UNICEF’s response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami which involved assessing the impact of $700 million investment in the affected countries. Previously, he served as regional chief of monitoring, evaluation and social policy for the Middle East and North Africa Region. His previous jobs with UNICEF included advisor for nutrition in Programme Division, New York and chief of nutrition programme in Pakistan and Botswana.
Mr. Belbase holds a PhD from Cornell University and a MS from Southern Illinois University. He has presented widely in international conferences, travelled to more than 70 countries and conducted training workshops on result-based development, performance measurement and evaluation. His subject focus includes food and nutrition security, early childhood development, and social protection within the broader context of the SDGs.