Charles Mutasa
Specializes in civil society, governance, and human rights
Charles Mutasa is an expert in Civil Society, Development Policy, Human Rights and Governance issues. He is currently a Civil Society Support Program/Human Rights Advisor at Trócaire Zimbabwe. He has worked both in the governmental and non-governmental sector on the interface of human rights, good governance, peace building, health, education, social protection and service delivery in Zimbabwe and the Africa region. His regional positions included being Head of Programs (Christian Aid, Africa Division) and Executive Director of two pan-African Civil Society organizations-the African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) and Mwelekeo waNGO, among many other international and national NGO positions). He served as the Deputy Presiding Officer of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) and as the Southern Africa civil society organizations representative to the African Union [2004-2008]. Charles is a holder of a PhD in International relations (University of Zimbabwe), an LLM in Human Rights and International Development (University of Washington), an MA in Development Studies (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University); an Msc. in Population Studies and a Bsc (Hons) in Politics and Administration (University of Zimbabwe). He is a prolific author/contributor to a number of articles related to politics, democracy and African development. He is a co-editor of two books (1) Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: Progress, Problems, and Prospects. (2) Africa and the World: Bilateral and Multilateral International diplomacy. He has conducted social research, baselines, mid-term reviews and end of project evaluations for USAID, DFID and EU funded projects among many others. He also taught Development Studies in Public Policy, Economic Development, Governance, Human Rights, Regional Integration and International relations for university undergraduate and post-graduate students.