AR. Subbiah
Mr. Subbiah has operational responsibility for Regional integrated Multi-hazard Early warning System( RIMES ) for Africa and Asia Pacific region.
Mr. Subbiah has operational responsibility for Regional integrated Multi-hazard Early warning System( RIMES ) for Africa and Asia Pacific region.
He provides strategic direction and leadership for translation of policies, established by the RIMES Council, into effective and high-quality programs and services that meet RIMES Member State needs and demands.
Subbiah has 35 years of experience in drought mitigation and management, and more than 20 years of experience in establishing multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary mechanisms and building institutional capacities for generation and application of climate information at different timescales. He served as Reviewer of the IPCC Special Report on Managing Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). Subbiah held senior positions with the Government of India, involved in policy formulation and implementation of development and disaster risk reduction programs till the late 1990s.
Subsequently, Subbiah held the post of Director, Climate Risk Management and Team Leader for Early Warning Systems at Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, and evolved and implemented a multi-country Climate Risk Management program and regional multi-hazard project that eventually transformed into RIMES as an inter-governmental and international institution in 2009.