hdpi Forum
A forum series with global thought leaders to stimulate thinking and action.

Ending Sexual Violence Against Children in a Generation: What will It Take?
Dr. Kathleen Cravero
Strategic Advisor; Distinguished Lecturer, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.
- Prof. Eve Mitleton-Kelly Complexity Theory: Addressing Complex Humanitarian Problems
- Philip Howard, Mis-Information, Fake News
- DR Elena Butti, Postdoctoral fellow, Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
- Julie Rosicky, Executive Director of International Social Service (ISS) USA Observations and lessons in helping to reunite children with families in Central America
- Norah Niland and Antonio Donini, Challenging Inhumanity in turbulent Times
- John Paul Lederach, Thoughts on the Dynamics of Peacebuilding
- Robert Jenkins, Chief Education and Associate Director, Programme Division, UNICEF HQ
- Iain Levine, Human Rights at a Crossroad
- Jim Brasher, Program Development and Resource Mobilization, Lessons Learned
- Angela Raven-Roberts
- Cornelius Williams, UNICEF
- Edouard Belloncle, Disinformation, Response and Reflections: a Libyan Case Study
- Richard Morgan, Plan International
- Dennis McNamara, Humanitarian Dialogue Center
- Robin Biellick, vaccine specialist
- Stephen Allen, OFDA/USAID
- Carl Stauffer, Center for Justice and Peace, EMU
- Lori Hieber Girardet, UNDRR
- Hani Mansourian, Alliance for Child Protection
- Peter Morris, formerly with OFDA
- Rt Hon Lord Mark Malloch-Brown KCMG
- Hugo Slim – Oxford University
- Peter McDermott & Justin Rogers – Martin James Foundation
- Molly Bingham – Orb Media
- Carlo Scaramella - WFP
- Luis Mendez, Stratman Consultants
- Brigette De Lay – Oak Foundation
- Jagan Chapagain – IFRC
- Karen Landgren – Security Council Report
- David Nabarro – WHO/4SD
- Tom McDermott – xUNICEFers
- Krishna Belrose - HDPI
- Everett Ressler – HDPI
- Fred Spielberg – UNICEF Colombia